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Please welcome our new All For One Gaming League of Legends roster for the upcoming spring split 2022!

After spending a lot of time over the last few weeks putting together our team for the next split, we are now happy to announce our League of Legends team for Spring 2022 in Division 3 (formerly Division 2) of the Primeleague.

Toplane: Paul “Fledex”
Jungle: Simon “Blank“
Botlane: Maurice “Varry”
Support: August “Kampex“

Our new addition to the All For One family on the midlane will also be announced soon!
The LoL team will be supported by our great coaching staff – Ben “Blacksky” (head coach) and Onur “Paxii” (assistant coach).
Furthermore, we are very happy about our two newcomers Vivi and Bianca, who will work in the management from now on.

Nice to have you with us

Foto von Yan Krukov von Pexels